Wednesday, June 30, 2010


There's something about summer that's left over from school days. When summer arrives, a lot of us kind of hit the brakes and coast a little as we go through these hotter months-especially if you are a teacher. That's not to say if you are an instructor that you sit around eating bonbons, not at all. Most teachers I know either teach other classes, summer school, or are busy preparing at least some work for the next semester. Even if you are not in teaching, September brings in a new year of sorts. That leaves the summer months to think about what you plan to do, need to do, or want to do for that upcoming time.

For many the Autumn months are a kick off time to make the second half of the year show the profits we want. It's not a time to slow down. But making that work means setting up plans and doing it creatively and effectively in order to take action that brings the desired results when we are ready. Often this involves introducing a new product, a new promotion, a new service- one that coincides with the season.

If you compete with others, your plan will involve excelling, if you are an entrepreneur- the summer may serve as a think tank to bring about results in the months ahead. All of this takes focus and the beauty of summer creates many distractions that hold us up. Often the thought is along the lines of: "Well, I have lots of time- the whole summer to do this." "I should be planning, but it can wait." That procrastinatination often leads to last minute preparation, and working under pressure. Working under pressure, even if you are good at it, creates stress. You, your body, your partner and family all feel it one way or another.

Group coaching to Jump Start your successes, whether it involves self growth, business development, relationship improvement or other endeavors, is an excellent process to get what you want. An incredible special summer rate of only $98.95 per month will be given each of you. 5 people to a group, tele-sessions are once a week for two months, with e-mail follow up and exercises to help you advance on your own as well. Groups can also be conducted online via video conferencing so that we can see and hear one another at the same time. To reserve a place for the July 19, 2010 sessions please e-mail me at We'll set up a time to talk. When you join, all information and coaching materials will be sent to you as well.

Looking forward to working together on your future-

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